Blog: Growing up happily together
Every day at KinderRijk, we are fully committed to make a positive impact on the development of children. Besides fostering personal development and a pleasant development environment, we also focus on social competence and emotional safety. Your child’s group is the ideal place to practise these skills. Such practice can also be done at home, where you and your child can make progress on these skills together. We will be happy to tell you more!
Childcare as a practice ground
Building a group of young children and group dynamics do not happen just like that. Our educational professionals provide support tailored to children’s needs on a daily basis. For example, discussing the following questions: ‘How do you make friends?’ ‘How do you solve arguments?’ ‘How do we play together?’ Growing up happily together in a group and practising skills that children will need in society in the future are essential tasks.
These items are a particular point of attention now that the summer holidays are over and the groups of children have sometimes changed.
- Golden Weeks: after the summer holidays, the educational professionals pay extra attention to (changed) group dynamics. During the ‘Golden Weeks’, we aim at creating a close-knit group. We do this through social activities and by making agreements together with the children in the group. The term Golden Weeks is derived from ‘Vreedzaam’. After the Christmas holidays, this is followed by what we call the ‘Silver Weeks’, when activities will take centre stage again.
- Week against Bullying: in September, we pay extra attention to the Week against Bullying. At KinderRijk, we have a transparent anti-bullying policy that everybody is familiar with. We believe that every child should feel safe and enjoy coming to the care location.

- Cultural Diversity: cultural diversity among our professionals and families is always at the forefront. We embrace each other’s similarities and differences, we belong together and are mindful of each other. Please refer to our earlier newsletter: KinderRijk and its cultures.
- PROF – Our educational principles are (F)Fun, (R)Respect, (O)Development and (F)Fantasy. These four concepts constitute the basis for our daily actions and care. Each child’s development is of primary importance. This involves a broad development with attention to social activities such as playing together, cooperation and learning from and with each other. Learn more about our educational principles are?

Home as a practice ground
Your child’s social environment at home differs quite a lot from the social environment at childcare. Group dynamics and emotional safety can also be paid attention to at home. Here are a few simple tips, inspired by the ‘Vreedzaam’ programme:
- Make tidying up a joint activity. Set the timer for 10 minutes and together make sure that the house is tidy. This way, children learn that everyone is responsible for a pleasant environment.
- Decide on a weekly menu and shopping list together, while listening to everyone’s wishes. This way, any eating issues will start to disappear!
- Living happily together means giving each other room to talk about experiences. Ask each other questions about how the day has been: ‘What was the most enjoyable thing that happened?’, ‘How did you help another person today?’ Don’t forget to swap roles too.
- Resolve arguments as much as possible ‘peacefully’: give your child the opportunity to express emotions and show how an argument can be resolved by talking. This requires consistent action and patience!
- Be open to each other’s similarities and differences: it is absolutely fine to look different, feel different or have a different opinion, etc. Mention this regularly. This not only makes the other person feel comfortable, it also contributes to your child’s positive self-image.
Educational partnership
Together with educational professionals, you can share tips and experience to support your child’s social and emotional development. That way we continue to learn together, throughout our lives!